to the following people who have supported my art over the last three years..

Diana Milstein who helped Jan frame so many of my paintings. It was weeks of work after years of collecting used frames. They look fantastic and I love that they are recycled frames. Amazing.

David Christman for making me a really lovely website. For processing every single picture into the different formats and resolutions, the layouts and the many hours of working it out as you go along. You have made it look brilliant. Wow!

Seb Dewing at Artroom Brighton for teaching me about so many artists and how to make paintings in so many different ways. I love art classes with you and I loved the Artroom Brighton online cartoons classes in Lockdown too. You are a brill teacher and I am very lucky. I will never give up art.

Jan Allain for being my guardian angel and cheer leader. You continue to support me in so many ways as well as so much in my art. Thank you for being there for me, GranJan.

Thank you to my very special family for their love and support.


Jan Allain

David Christman


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